Sunday 16 March 2014


This world that we are,are being controlled by some "ELITES". These elites decide what to be undertaken in this world created by God. They see themselves as the best.
The Bible says that God created man in his own image and he had given him power to dominate over all animals not another human being like himself to be held in captivity!
This world has expereienced two world wars! One was caused by a Bosnian student"Gavrillo Principe" after kiling the Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria. The second world war was caused by a German Chancellor "Adolf Hitler".
During the second world war many super powers were dragged into war like UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND SOVIET UNION.

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Since second world war,the United States of America has been the single master of this Universe.Let me say the god of this world.She has form a "UNIPOLAR WORLD"
This idea has angered many people including "The RUSSIA FEDERATION"
But one thing is that America has good democracy,good affairs in their own country but manages and fights with foreign policy with other countries particularly the "ARAB WORLD".
To be continued later!
The Falkland island was claimed by the British government and no one has spoken about it.
The Western world has hypocrisy! They are not straight in their actions,words and foreign policy towards other countries. The
Russia Federation has come now to invading Crimea. Crimea was part of Soviet Union.The western world need not to be aggressive about imposing sanctions on Russia.I want to say something,when Soviet Union was on the brink of collapse,the western world could have saved it from collapsing rather than be happy for a great country to collapse.


look this-
Have it-
Stay calm-- 
Nice look-