Thursday 12 May 2022




DOOMS DAY. Who is really prepared for the dooms deadly day. We should not pray for a nuclear war that will destroy everybody on this planet.
Nato can be 350-500 countries but must think twice to avert dooms deadly day with Russia Federation. Nuclear bomb can kill millions and billions of people at a time. If a NUCLEAR BOMB is detonated,who will stand it? Nobody,not a single human being or countries can withstand a nuclear bomb,no matter the multitude. Ukraine and Russia federation should engage in a dialogue to avert more destructions of lives  of people and properties. We can stop this war with peace,dialogue rather than using missiles,artilleries and hypersonic missiles.
The Russia and Ukraine war was caused by the United states and Nato. We should hope for peace  and let us hug one another to enjoy this wonderful planet that God had created.We should set a very good examples for our posterity by ending this war and give peace a chance. Dialogue is a strong tool to end violence.
War between Russia and ukraine can be brought by dialogue in which Turkey has started. Other countries should join in this dialogue along with Turkey to bring peace between Russia federation and Ukraine.