Saturday 1 October 2016

"America can never intimidate Russia"

"America can never intimidate Russia"
The United states of America should stop making rhetoric speech to Russia Federation.
I do not believe in "Hype",too much publicity,Film tricks,movie effects.
Computer can make film tricks,movie effects and human beings can make a lot of hype.
Nobody pray for war or world-war.
Russia Federation has capability to fight the United States of america tit-for tat.
i have never been to Russia before but i have known Russia since the days of soviet union and i have read much about them. Russians are really gifted and brave people. They disgraced Napoleon,Adolf Hitler and have won many wars. They possesed some of the dangerous jet bombers,missile defence system and it is Nuclear strong country.
The United states of america is a great Nation has many aircraft carriers,powerful jet bombers,anti-missile defence system.
America has also won many wars but should be very careful on how she handle and deal with foreign policy.
It is easy to talk with mouth that i can do like this or i can do like that but war is a very dangerous game.
Both parties should work hand in hand to restore peace in Syria. I believe and think that America should go to Russia and seek for peace in syria,it doesn't matter who is in power in Syria!


James dada will write his software soon
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